About Project

Project "Establishment of a Digital Center for Cultural Heritage in the Municipal Historical Museum - Turtukan"

Programme BG08 "Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts"

Measure 2: "Documentation of Cultural History"

Beneficiary: Municipality Tutrakan

Contract: № 24-10M2-35 / 23.4.2015

Date: 23.04.2015 - 31.12.2016

Budget: 242,973.95 Eur

Project Team management:

Borislav Vilarov - Project manager, External expert;

Daniela Steliyanova - Coordinator, Director of "Investments and EU projects";

Nikolinka Ganeva - Accountant, Director of "Finance, accounting and budget," Tutrakan Municipality.


Rumen Simeonov - Expert "Information Technology", external expert;

Emil Petkov - Expert "Archaeologist", Historical Museum - Tutrakan.

Main objective:

Preservation of cultural heritage, improving access and promotion through modern information technologies, development of Digital Center in Historical Museum - Turtrakan and documenting of the municipality cultural history.

Specific objectives:

Developing a Digital Center in Historical Museum - Tutrakan and converting of cultural values ​​(museum archaeological and architectural immovable cultural property, movable cultural property) in digital format for the first time and preserveing the cultural heritage for future generations.

Sharing cultural diversity in Municipality Tutrakan, reach new audiences and provide maximum access to the widest audience through online access to a website with a database of digitized cultural values, festivals and customs of the local population, considering the virtual museum and media campaign .

Developing the expertise to work with information and digital technologies for preservation and storage (recording) cultural heritage and contemporary art through training and gaining practical experience.

Overcoming the social exclusion of people from minority groups and Roms through participation in training and practical activities with new technologies, introduction to cultural heritage, in particular the Municipality of Tutrakan and share specific holidays, customs and traditions.

Target groups:

- Local public with interests in cultural heritage and contemporary art;

- Minorities /Roms and Turks/;

- Students from junior high and high school education from 5 schools in the municipality;

- Scientists from NAIM BAS;

- Students - from Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski ", NBU and UNIBIT;

- Tourists;

- Specialists in Historical museum Tutrakan with branch Ethnographic Museum "Danubian Fishing and Boat Construction" and the Gallery.

Direct Beneficiaries:

- Roms involved in training;

- Employees at the Historical Museum;

- Municipal administration;

- Students participating in presentations;

- Students participating in open classes;

- Researchers - using specific information from the second level of access portal;

- Researchers at the NAIM participated in the presentation;

- Students from Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski "NBU and UNIBIT;

- Representatives of the local community participated in various cultural and educational activities and presentations of projects.

- Municipal administration;

- Management and professionals in the Historical Museum participated actively in the preparation of the project.

Expected results:

1) Equipped Digital Center;

2) Digitizing first Cultural Heritage:

* Immovable - the building of Ethnographic Museum; Ancient Castle and Medieval Village "Transmariska" and digital hypothetical reconstruction;

* Movable;

* Cultural heritage of the museum will be digitized over the next two years

3) Sharing of cultural heritage - Virtual Museum (web-based software platform with a database of digitized heritage) and a system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls - www.tutracanmuseum.com;

4) 8 virtual tour and 12 videos for cultural events;

5) Improved expertise of the employees of the museum;

6) Training of Roms and the inclusion of two of them in the process of digitalisation of cultural heritage and contemporary art;

7) Public campaign: Discover the digital world Tutrakan!

Expected impact:

1) Digitized and shared cultural heritage and contemporary art;

2) Improved cultural product and increased public interest in cultural heritage.


Activity 1: Organization and Management of the Project

1) Preparation of job descriptions of staff members and current segregation of duties;

2) Preparation and adoption of detailed time schedule for implementation of activities;

3) Internal monitoring and organizing monthly team meetings with the leadership of the applicant and the Director of the Museum and reporting on progress in implementation of the project

4) Establishing and maintaining communication in the team and among partners

5) Clarification of the organization of work of the team and how to store documents on the project

6) Planning and organizing procurement PPA

7) Preparation of interim and final technical and financial reports and more.

Activity 2: Preparation of procurement files

Procurement documents are prepared by the Project manager in cooperation with the Chief Expert "Procurement" in the Municipality Turakan. Outside law firm, engaged by the Municipality Tutrakan, audit the procurement documents. The program operator /Ministry of Culture/ carry out preliminary control once procedures for selection of contractor conducted by the beneficiaries of the Programme BG 08 with service contracts under the PPA value equal to or more than 20 000 lev, VAT excluded.

Activity 3: Purchase of equipment, machinery, tools and software for Digital Center, long term materials and long term nonmaterial assets Purchase of equipment, fixed assets and DNA for the Digital Center and exhibition halls:


Back-up server;

Laptops (4 pcs.);

Copier scanner;

Set 3D Scanner to scan small objects up to 2 meters;

Portable graphics station management process of digitization;

Vook scanner for scanning archival documents and books;

Digital SLR camera with video;

Touch electronic scoreboard (5 pcs.) Of exhibition halls;

Air conditioning /Server and Back-up server/;

Wireless router /1 pc./;

Construction of LAN;

Software Purchasing : Operating System Management Server / 2 pcs. / Office package with word processing, tabulation and presentation applications; Processing software photo images of different formats; Software for processing video images and audio files of various formats; Software for graphics processing.

Activity 4: Develop a dynamic interactive web portal for managing Virtual Museum database of digitally converted cultural values

Development of a common concept of the portal, defining the architecture, design, sound design, animation and effects; programming database - file and user interface; Domain and hosting; Optimization (CEO).

The software web-based system of the Virtual Museum will consist of two modules: 1) Administrative - content management. It will manage the Virtual Museum and database digitally converted heritage. 2) User with different levels of access for users and professionals to the Virtual Museum - on-line and off-line through the network system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls in 4 buildings.

Main characteristics:

* Two languages ​​/ Bulgarian and English / scalable and other languages;

* Dynamic flexible architecture with the possibility of future expansion without a complete re-design and processing;

* Web-based module for dynamic management (Back End) to fully control the content and navigation.

To the server and the database will be generated digital images and 3D models of two real cultural values ​​and 730 movable cultural property, 8 virtual tour and 12 video and audio video, text information for special cultural events and contemporary art.

The portal should be available in all web browsers and automatically displays and sizing of various screens, incl. smart phones and tablets, and the system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Training of museum workers and team members to work with software management and administrative module.

In the portal project will be a separate special section, which will be uploaded regularly on the progress of the project in Bulgarian and English.

Activity 5: Digitizing real volume and movable cultural values

Filming with 3D laser scanner:

1) The building of EM "Danube fishing and boat construction"

2) Two boats, stored in the museum - "tutrakanka" and "chamnitsa."

3) Sculpture "Fisherman" - made in 1973 by Lubomir meals and stone mason Grigor Mihov.

4) The ancient fortress and medieval village "Transmariska" /1BC/.

Result: numerical data type "PointCloud" scanned objects;

Product: colored cloud of points for specialists; interactive panoramas and digital images of scanned objects (3D model - 4 pcs.) captured objects for use by visitors to the portal system and a system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls - users.

Activity 6: Аerophoto shooting of an archaeological site

Captureing with specialized equipment from air unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of an ancient fortress and settlement Transmariska.

Results /accessible portal for professionals/:

* Ortho of immovable cultural property (2 pcs. Complete with characteristic colorful 2D drawings);

* 3D map of the area;

* 3D terrain model.

Activity 7: Hypothetical graphic reconstruction of the archaeological site

Prepare a hypothetical reconstruction of graphic images of the ancient fortress and medieval village "Transmariska" and outline the whole castle and the stages of its construction.

Based on a thorough analysis of historical and construction phases of archaeological structures, drawings and diagrams of the stages, and similar and synchronous objects shooting with 3D scanner and aerial filming will be done outlining the walls and hypothetical graphic reconstruction of the various stages of construction in fortress.

Result: Hypothetical graphic reconstruction of the archaeological site.

Product: 3D model of a hypothetical graphic reconstruction of archaeological object "Transmariska" accessible via the virtual portal through the system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Activity 8: Filming and production of virtual tours of cultural and historical sites

Filming of movable and immovable cultural property and museum exhibitions and preparation of 8 virtual tours.

Virtual tours:

Ancient Castle "Transmariska"

Architectural Ensemble "Fishing neighborhood" and "St. Nicholas ";

Ethnographic Museum "Danubian Fishing and Boat Construction";

Historical Museum - Tutrakan - exposition "Archaeology" / 1st floor / and Lapidarum;

Historical Museum - Tutrakan - exposure "Icon Hall" /1st floor/;

Historical Museum - Tutrakan - "Historical exhibition" /2nd floor/;

Memorial complex "Military Cemetery - 1916"

Art Gallery.

Product: 8 pcs. Virtual tour available on-line through the portal and virtual museum system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Activity 9: Video capture cultural events and objects and making videos

Video capture from the air and the land of cultural and historical sites, cultural events and contemporary art and making 12 videos from 3 to 5 minutes.


* Ancient fortress "Transmariska"

* Architectural Ensemble "Fishing neighborhood" with "St. Nicholas ";

* Ethnographic Museum "Danubian Fishing and Boat Construction";

* Historical Museum - Museum Complex "Teodor house" with Art Gallery (Ritual home);

* Memorial complex "Military Cemetery - 1916";

* National Festival of Masquerade Games "Dobrudjanski games» with. Varnentsi (03.07.2016 years).

* Celebration of apricot (07.2016 years);

* International Danube week (07 in 2016);

* National assembly and Remembrance "100th anniversary of Tutrakan epic" (04. 09. 2016);

* International Festival of polenta (10 in 2016);

* "In the Footsteps of Tanyo Stoyanov - Voyvoda" - XXXI national march (30.05. - 02.06.2016 years);

* St. Nicholas Day - a celebration of the fisherman (06.12. 2016);

Product: 12 pcs. videos accessible online through the portal and virtual museum, and the system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Activity 10: Digitization of cultural values ​​of archival audio-visual media

It is planned to be digitized archival audio-visual media by the Fund of the Historical Museum - 10 LPs (9 pieces - 33 revolutions, 1 piece - 33 1/3), 5 audio cassettes (x 60 minutes) and 2 film of 16 mm. Of these, one record with Roma songs. Product: Digital converted archival audio-visual media will be available online through the portal and virtual museum, and the system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Activity 11: Digitizing dimensional cultural values ​​and contemporary art

After training will be selected two Roma who will be included in the team for project management experts as "digitization". They will digitize 710 three-dimensional cultural monuments, photographs, postcards postmarked, books, newspapers and documents with equipment purchased for the project. Of these, 30 immovable cultural values ​​are of Roma ethnicity (household items).

Cultural values ​​that will be digitized:

- Photographs and postcards - 237 pcs .;

- Subjects - 40 nos .;

- Papers and books - 80 pcs .;

* Books - 15 pcs. A4 format and 5 pcs. 3 format to a total number of leaves 2000;

* Documents - 30 pcs. A4 format (60 sheets) and 30 pcs. to A3 (100 sheets).

- Icons - 10 pcs;

- Products:

* Metal - 22 pcs;

* Glass - 1 pcs;

* Stone - 17 pcs;

* Bone - 4 pcs;

* Ceramics - bit - 15 pcs; and construction - 6 pcs;

* Coins - 150 pcs;

- Objects of everyday life of the local population (including Roma) - 50 pcs;

- Fishing gear and boat building - 38 pcs .;

- Objects related to the lifestyle of fishermen - 30 units;

- Paintings and graphics - 10 pcs. paintings.

Taking a picture with a digital camera with video /purchased for the project/ cultural events and contemporary art, and producing reports for no less than 10 of them. Reports will be included in a database of digitally converted cultural values.

Product: Digitised 710 cultural monuments and no less than 10 reports on cultural events and cultural values ​​that will be available online through the portal and virtual museum, and the system of sensory information boards in the exhibition halls.

Activity 12: Training in Informatics, capture cultural events and communication of heritage

Training of 20 people /8 people representatives of the team and staff of the Historical Museum 12 people and representatives of Roma ethnicity /.


1) Information Technology heredity, nature of cultural heritage; hardware and software to digitize; three-dimensional digitizing cultural values; digital animation (Cultural Heritage and Information Technology, Informatics and work with the software and digital graphics processing, management of virtual museum, online catalog, work with server and Backup server; copier-scanner, Book scanner and 3D scanner);

2) Photo and video capture with digital equipment and audio-video installation (learning about digital photography, working with the video camera and software for audio-video installation);

3) Communication of heredity and public relations (nature of communication; communication and cultural heritage; communication models - public relations, advertising and promotional events, public campaigns, graphic communications - graphic design and prepress, work with specialized software).

Activity 13: Organization of cultural and educational events and presentations of the results of the project to the specialized communities

Organizing cultural and educational events for presenting the results of the project:

* Open Day and Night at the Museum;

* Presentations of the project in schools with. New black with. King Samuil and. Varnentsi, Tutrakan Municipality;

* Open lessons - students of primary and secondary schools in Tutrakan Municipality;

* Multimedia exhibition at the Historical Museum Turtucaia;

* Presentations of the results of the project to a specialized audience - specialists NAIM BAS and three universities - University "ST. Kliment Ohridski "NBU and UNIBIT, which studied archeology, history and cultural heritage.

Activity 14: Information and Publicity

Promote the project, the financial support of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area, cultural heritage and contemporary art of the Municipality.

For this purpose it is envisaged:

* Inaugural presentation of the project and representation of results - press conferences;

* Media campaign - "Discover the virtual world of Toutrakan":

- Audio advertising;

- Publication of information online media;

- Publication of animated banner in portals with a thematic focus;

- Publication of information about the project at local / regional print media;

- Printed materials: poster; posted; image brochure; handout for the project; fliers.

* Information and publicity for conferences:

- Folding Stand tension vinyl sheets;

- Exchangeable vinyl sheets with metal kabsi;

* Information signs and billboards:

- Billboards for the Historical Museum and subsidiaries - Ethnographic Museum;

- Plate (municipality).

* Site project - portal project will be a separate special section, which will be uploaded regularly on the progress of the project in Bulgarian and English.

Implementation of projects

The information is current as of February 1, 2016

Formed a management team / manager, coordinator, accountant / and appointed two experts.

Made four packages of documents for procurement that are imported by ex-ante control. The documents are consistent.

Announced four tenders and have signed two direct contract as follows:

"Supply of equipment and software" four lots / open procedure; Art. 14, para. 3 pt. 2 of the PPA / delivery /;

"Development of software architecture and interface for interactive dynamic web portal for managing virtual museum with a database of digitally converted cultural values ​​/ products - town. Turtucaia" / open procedure; Art. 14, para. 3 pt. 2 of the PPA / service /;

"Provision of information and publicity for the project" Establishment of Center for Digital Cultural Heritage in Municipal Historical Museum - Turtucaia "/ Public call art. 14, para. 4 pt. 2 of the PPA / service /;

"Filming and production of virtual tours of historical sites and videos of cultural heritage in the Municipality Tutrakan" / public call; Art. 14, para. 4 pt. 2 of the PPA / service /;

"Translations from Bulgarian to English internet portal project" Creation of Digital Cultural Heritage Center in Municipal Historical Museum - Turtucaia "/ under Art. 14, para. 5 of PPL / service /;

"Buying an air conditioner" / By Art. 14, para. 5 ppl / delivery /.

Contracts with subcontractors:

Contract IN-07-743 / 08.28.2015, with the "HANNOVER LINGS" Ltd. for "Translations from Bulgarian to English";

Treaty - O7 - 824 / 29.10.2015, with the "DARTEK" Ltd. "Supply of other fixed assets";

Treaty - O7 - 851 / 05.11.2015g. with "TEMPUS 2000" Ltd. for "Delivery, installation and commissioning of the software and other DNA";

Contract № IN - 07-993 / 02.12.2015, by Info Training "Ltd." Services related to printed publications and Internet services, "Lot 1;

Contract № IN - 07-994 / 12.02.2015, with the "KiM Print" Ltd. for "Services related to printed publications and Internet services," Lot 2;

№ IN - 07-44 / 19.01.2016, with the "EVIS" Ltd. "Supply and installation of air conditioning";

Treaty - O7 - 47 / 21.01.2016g. with "Trans KO 04" LTD for "Supply of computer equipment";

Treaty - 07-48 / 21.01.2016, with the "Altech" Ltd. for "Development of software architecture and interface for interactive dynamic web portal for managing virtual museum with a database of digitally converted cultural values ​​/ products - town. Turtucaia ".

Execution of contracts:

- Delivery of computer equipment, other fixed assets, software and other DNA: Server - 1 pc .; Portable graphics station management process of digitalization - 1 pc .; Digital SLR camera with video - 1 pc .; Touch electronic scoreboard - 5 pcs .; Wireless ruter- 1 pc .; A local network - 1 pc .; Back-up server - 1 pc .; Notebooks / 4 pcs. /; Copier scanner / 1 pc. /; Set 3D scanner / 1 pc. /; Vook scanner / 1 pc. /; Operating System Server Management - 2 pcs .; Office suite with word processing, tabulation and presentation applications - 5 pcs .; Processing software photo images of different formats - 5 pcs .; Software for processing video images and audio files of various formats - 5 pcs .; Software for graphics processing - 1.

Current information:

In early. March 2016 pending Introductory press conference;

New contracts for "Filming and production of virtual tours of historical sites and videos about cultural heritage in Municipality Tutrakan" and "Provision of specialized training for representatives of local obshtnnost Municipality Tutrakan project" Creation of Digital Centre for Cultural Heritage in Municipal historical Museum - Tutrakan "

Announcing the tender for "Digitization of objects and objects of cultural heritage of the Municipality Tutrakan project" Establishment of Center for Digital Cultural Heritage in Municipal Historical Museum - Tutrakan. "