Exhibition "Russo-Turkish War through the eyes of war correspondents"
In the days around March 3 - from February 29 to March 4 in the Exhibition Hall of the Historical Museum - Turtucaia you can see the exhibition prepared by the Historical Museum of Kazanlak-based stored in the museum editions of the newspaper "Illyustrovannaya chronicle voynы" engravings published in the French edition "L`Univers illustré", part of a collection of collector and provided to us by ND "Rusofili" reproductions of Russian and Romanian artists of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877/78 d .; part of the exhibition "Russian bogatirs the banks of the Danube" provided to us by Suvorovsko Museum in St. Petersburg and exhibits of the Historical Museum in Tutrakan-related topics.
We offer you and iconic movie titles related Liberation. From February 24 to March 5 (except Sunday and Monday) at 10.00 pm. And from 14.00 pm. In the Visitor Center in fishing hamlet you can see the films "Time", "Under the Yoke", "Apostles" "Heroes of Shipka", "Julia Vrevska."